Danwillie Blogger Website Designer

Old Blogger and Webmaster

Danwillie Blogger Website Designer

About Danwillie Blogger

I am danwillie blogger at large in spite of google, bing, twitter and facebook. I have had at any time 10 different blogs on a few subjects Politics, Faith, solar wind water DIY, for the most part. My faith is important to me. I am a believer in Christ and a member of the Body of Christ. So all this stuff that has the internet spiraling down doesn’t worry me. But if you haven’t been saved in this age of Grace by accepting the Lord -Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, You need to look around. See where our world is and see the work God has already done for you. He has created this magnificent world and all that is it to show you His love. You are already forgiven. Just Pray and Ask and enjoy freedom in Christ.

1Co 15:1

Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;

1Co 15:2

By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

 1Co 15:3

For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

 1Co 15:4

And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

He did all this for Everyone in the world. Believe this and immediately you are in the body of Christ. There is a good online bible to help you with this BLB -the Blue Letter Bible

The world is numbered, it’s just a matter of which numbers you want to believe in. He has given you a will and freedom to choose. I hope you don’t choose wrongly because the bible tells of the torment waiting. Find a good Bible teaching Church. Learn who God is!

Read Romans. Start anywhere in Romans. All good. See how amazing this God is!

Checkout “Is Genesis History.

“Will strengthen confidence in Scripture, clarify understanding of the relationships of revelation, science, history, and faith, and enhance understanding of difficult questions all while being both beautiful and entertaining.” – E. Calvin Beisner, PhD

“Will strengthen confidence in Scripture, clarify understanding of the relationships of revelation, science, history, and faith, and enhance understanding of difficult questions all while being both beautiful and entertaining.” – E. Calvin Beisner, PhD

Danwillie Blogger and Cyber I.T. or D.W. Frantz Grandfather

I am not totally incognito. I, Danwillie Blogger, have been blogging since the start of the Internet. I have watched the internet age and am somewhat disgraced by what it has become. Lots of trash on it. The idea of those in control of the internet, have expounded on an open and free internet, but do control what is said and done outside the laws of our land. The internet is man’s create of disaster for many people, especially our children. The visibility of depravity at a click of a button has sicken our world speedily beyond comprehension. Satan is in full control of its use and the destruction there in. When I say Satan, I mean men of this earth controlled by Satan. The internet is nothing more than ones and zeros being routed throughout the world. But man has added a corruptness to the internet as man has done to all things of this earth.

There is a way to secure our internet. The internet must be secured just like any asset in America. There must be rite of passage. Gateways at our borders and community boundaries on acceptable content need to be established. This was discussed at one time, but corrupted money won out. Lots of money in Porn Traffic. The technology has always been there to do all of this. Routing and firewalls can fix all of this, but then Porn dealer wouldn’t be able infect our kids and young adults. And hackers of profit wouldn’t exist.

But my intention is to make something uncorrupt and make ones and zeros serve God’s purposes. It is in the originator of what the zeros and ones do for mankind. Soon as our freedoms in our faith diminishes in this country, so will the freedom of the Internet will diminish.

It is good to see what YouTube provides for many of us. But there is a very dark side to YouTube. And this is the same on many Social Media companies and the Internet in general. Google has very dark side to it. Never allow your kids to search without the controls properly set. And use tools like DNS controls for parents to limit what is seen. And lastly the controls on internet don’t always work. Monitor what your children see.

So, in Ending, I Danwillie Blogger can be found in many blogging sites. My prayer is that each you can use the internet for Godly purposes and bring light to a very dark world. And until our government takes responsibility for the internet, profiteers will control the internet and parents will have to be the firewalls and gateways.

The picture is my last mountain I climbed. Other Articles Romans 8- A Packed Chapter of Verses 2 Rightly Divide the Word What’s Imputed by Faith to Every Believer .

Danwillie’s Social Net – Mastodon